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Who Am I?

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Am I the baby
Who I have pictures of
Her big eyes staring
Straight at the camera
I've been told she was good
Never grumpy or whiney
But this is not me
I don't know who I am.

Am I the toddler
Who I can remember
She had baby-blue eyes
And bows in her hair.
I remember her laugh
I recall her smile
But this is not me
I don't know who I am.

Am I the child
Whose memories I share
Her hair tied in pigtails
Held with pink bunches
She laughed as she swung
On the rope in the yard
But this is not me
I don't know who I am

Am I the girl
Who giggled shyly
As the very first boy
Kissed her right on the lips
I remember her blushing
And keeping it secret
But this is not me
I don't know who I am

Am I the teenager
Who didn't mind crying
For she knew that someone
Would be there to help
I remember that feeling
I can feel it no longer
But this is not me
I don't know who I am

Am I the young woman
Who everyone sees
When I open my front door
And walk down the street
I see where she goes
And I share the same body
But this is not me
I don't know who I am


Do you self harm?

Yes - 49.4%
No - 18.3%
Used to but stopped - 32.1%